
IPAC’23 Press Review

update to 09 / 06 / 2023

Cern Courier – Record attendance at IPAC23 – (08/24/2023)

SIF prima pagina – Highlights from IPAC 2023 in Venice  – (06 / 30 / 2023)

Il Sole 24 Ore – La fisica riparte dal Bosone di Higgs e coltiva il sogno del super acceleratore (L. Benacchio) – (05 / 14 /2023)

Il Sole 24 Ore – Dentro l’infinitamente piccolo al servizio dell’umano (L. Benacchio) – (05 / 14 /2023)

ADCgroup – Al Lido di Venezia 1400 ricercatori da tutto il mondo per la 14esima “International Particle Accelerator Conference” – (05 / 08 /2023) 

Agenparl – Il saluto dell’assessore Zuin alla 14a Conferenza Internazionale sull’Acceleratore di Particelle IPAC’23 – (05 / 08 /2023) 

RAI TGR Veneto – Al Lido di Venezia conferenza internazionale sugli acceleratori di particelle – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Dall’energia all’arte, i futuri acceleratori vicini alla società – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Dall’energia all’arte, i futuri acceleratori vicini alla società – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Dall’energia all’arte, i futuri acceleratori vicini alla società – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Dall’energia all’arte, i futuri acceleratori vicini alla società – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Dall’energia all’arte, i futuri acceleratori vicini alla società – (5 / 8 / 2023) – Al Lido di Venezia 1400 ricercatori da tutto il mondo per la 14esima “International Particle Accelerator Conference” (5 / 8 / 2023) – Ricerca scientifica italiana nel mondo – IPAC ’23 – Al via a venezia XIV ediz. conferenza internazionale – (5 / 7 / 2023)

Il Gazzettino (ed. Venezia) – La fisica atomica “accende” la stagione dei congressi (5 / 7 / 2023)

La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre – Fisica delle particelle tra energia e medicina 1.400 “menti” al Lido – (5 / 7 / 2023) – Acceleratori protagonisti dell’International Particle Accelerator Conference – (5 / 7 / 2023)

La Voce di Rovigo – A Venezia 1.500 scienziati – (5 / 6 / 2023) – Al Lido i massimi esperti di acceleratori di particelle – (5 / 6 / 2023) – Al Lido di Venezia i massimi esperti di acceleratori di particelle: 1400 ricercatori in arrivo per l’IPAC – (5 / 6 / 2023) – Fisica, Ipac approda in Italia, a Venezia esperti mondiali di particelle e sorgenti di luce – (5 / 5 / 2023) – Per la prima volta in Italia conferenza mondiale sugli acceleratori di particelle, interverranno 1.500 scienziati – (5 / 5 / 2023) – Acceleratori di particelle, esperti a Venezia per IPAC ’23 – (5 / 5 / 2023) – Acceleratori di particelle: un futuro tutto da inventare – (5 / 5 / 2023)



Industry session

Companies involved in the particle accelerators business operate in fields ranging from precision mechanics to power electronics, from radio frequency systems to cryogenic plants, from vacuum devices to magnets, from control systems to signal and microwave measuring systems. The turnover in this sector exceeds tens of billions per year.

Many of these companies sponsored the IPAC conference booking exhibition spaces where they can show their products or achievements.

This is a unique opportunity as it allows an exchange not only between the industrial world and the technical-scientific staff working in particle accelerators but also between the companies themselves, with the possibility of creating collaborations, contacts and synergies. Over a hundred companies sponsored the conference. Among these we have about fifty European companies, including twenty Italian, operating in all the above mentioned sectors. The economic impact and the business implications are not only related to the realization of accelerating machines but the require of extremely high performances and technical specifications, incredibly stimulates the industrial growth in many technological fields.

The aim of the IPAC ’23 industrial session is to give to Industrial Companies involved in the Particle Accelerator market extremely useful insights to enhance their development and success in this business field.

To this purpose, in the two hours session, a gender-balanced lineup of eight distinguished speakers and experts will cover the following fundamental topics:

– finding optimal technologies
– entering the global accelerator market
– collaborating with experienced suppliers while maintaining open scientific discussions
– identifying emerging accelerator projects that could benefit from industrial partner’s expertise.

The goal is to engage Industries and Research Institution in a dynamic discussion that will broaden the Companies horizons with tangible support for their business. Successful industrial engagement can be achieved only by a coordinated collaboration among industrial, governmental, and academic institutions.

In the first hour, three presentations of 15 minutes given by worldwide recognized scientists and chaired by a prominent personality in the industrial world (Christoph Quitman, Research Instruments), will be focused on new technological trends in the different Continents, ‘capacity’ challenges and requirements/needs in the different new projects.

In the second hour, chaired by a well know and recognized scientist in the particle accelerator world (Maurizio Vretenar, CERN), we will have five short presentations given by Industrial managers. The focus will be on collaboration models, best Technology Transfer cases, learning from best practice examples and practical illustrations on how to solve problems and face the challenges of doing business in the accelerator market.


Joining the 14th edition of IPAC, from 7 to 12 May 2023 in Venice, will give you the chance to find out more about cutting edge projects in the accelerator field such as HiLumi-LHC and Eupraxia or also about the employment of accelerator technologies in other research fields.

During the conference Oliver Bruning, HiLumi-LHC project leader, is going to present the latest updates on this great project, considered as the biggest particle physics project of the next 10 years, that will increase the luminosity of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator in the world.

IPAC’23 will give space also to new technologies for particles acceleration: Massimo Ferrario, Eupraxia project leader, will give a talk about this European project, based at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories, whose main objective is the development of new plasma accelerators to increase the energy, reduce the size and lower the costs of current particle accelerators.

However, particle accelerators are also catalysts of innovation and this role will be highlighted in talks like Anna Grasselino’s one: Anna is the director of the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, at Fermilab in the US, and she will talk about the strong connection between particle accelerators and quantum computing.

Don’t miss out these great talks! Looking forward to meeting you in Venice!