Accelerator Prizes

The European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) offers four awards during the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’23) taking place in Europe. In addition two prizes for best students posters will be awarded during the conference.

2023 European Physical Society Accelerator Awards

The EPS-AG/IPAC’23 Accelerator Prizes are for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to accelerator science and technology, and are committed to its peaceful use and collaboration. The prizes have no restriction as to nationality.

The European Physical Society Accelerator Group / IPAC’23 Prizes Selection Committee, chaired by Mike Seidel, PSI, has selected the winners as follows:

The Rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field with no age limit has been given to Katsunobu Oide, KEK and visiting scientist at CERN / University of Geneva, for his many conceptual contributions to linear and circular particle colliders. Examples include the Oide limit of final focus systems and the design of the final focus test beam at SLAC, crab crossing in circular colliders, the beam optics design code SAD, design work for KEKB and KEK-ATF, advanced lattice design for the FCC study, and his leading role in design, commissioning and performance optimization of KEK accelerators.
The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session at IPAC’23.

The Gersh Budker Prize for a recent, significant contribution to the accelerator field with no age limit has been awarded to Mikhail Krasilnikov, DESY/Zeuthen, for his achievements in the development of high brightness electron beams and a high power, tunable THz SASE free electron laser based on those beams, demonstrating lasing at the PITZ facility in 2022. The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session at IPAC’23.

The Frank Sacherer Prize for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field. goes to Xingchen Xu, Fermilab, for his contributions in demonstrating the effectiveness of the internal oxidation method in Nb3Sn wires to strongly improve the performance of this superconductor by using artificial pinning centers, opening the way to the next generation of high field accelerator magnets. The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 2.000,00 EUR, and will also make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session at IPAC’23.

The Bruno Touschek Prize, will be awarded to a student registered for a PhD or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering or to a trainee accelerator physicist or engineer in the educational phase of their professional career, for the quality of work and promise for the future.
Applicants will be judged on the quality of the work submitted to the conference. The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 1.000,00 EUR and will have the opportunity to make a short oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session at IPAC’23.
5. The Best Student Posters, will be awarded to 2 students whose work, presented in the special session for students is particularly meritorious.
Each winner will receive a cash prize of 500,00 EUR, during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session at IPAC’23.

Information about the prizes

The EPS-AG Accelerator Prizes Selection Committee chaired by Mike Seidel, PSI, decided the winners for prizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the basis of preliminary proposals and formal nominations.

Information concerning past recipients of the EPS-AG Accelerator Prizes may be found at the EPS-AG website.

Questions and nominations to be addressed to IPAC’23 Scientific Secretariat

The European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) offers four awards during the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’23) taking place in Europe. In addition two prizes for best students posters will be awarded during the conference.

2023 European Physical Society Accelerator Awards

The EPS-AG/IPAC’23 Accelerator Prizes are for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to accelerator science and technology, and are committed to its peaceful use and collaboration. The prizes have no restriction as to nationality. They are

  1. The Rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field with no age limit.
    The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’23
  2. The Gersh Budker Prize for a recent, significant contribution to the accelerator field with no age limit.
    The winner will receive an engraved medal, and make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’23.
  3. The Frank Sacherer Prize for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field.
    The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 2.000,00 EUR, and will also make an oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’23.
  4. The Bruno Touschek Prize, awarded to a student registered for a PhD or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering or to a trainee accelerator physicist or engineer in the educational phase of their professional career, for the quality of work and promise for the future.
    Applicants will be judged on the quality of the work submitted to the conference. The winner will receive a framed certificate, and a cash prize of 1.000,00 EUR and will have the opportunity to make a short oral presentation during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’23.
  5. The Best Student Posters, awarded to 2 students whose work, presented in the special session for students is particularly meritorious.
    Each winner will receive a cash prize of 500,00 EUR, during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’23.


When and where

Thursday, May 11
from 14:30 to 15:50

Room Sala Grande
Palazzo del Cinema


Prize session presentation
by M. Seidel

Award cerimony of the 2 best student posters
Award ceremony of the Touschek prize
followed by a short presentation (5′) by the Touschek prize winner

Award ceremony of the Sacherer prize
presentation by the Sacherer prize winner

Award ceremony of the Budker prize
presentation by the Budker prize winner

Award ceremony of the Wideroe prize
presentation by the Wideroe prize winner

Information about prizes

The EPS-AG Accelerator Prizes Selection Committee will decide the winners for prizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the basis of preliminary proposals and formal nominations.

Applications for the Bruno Touschek Prize can be submitted here. Candidates for the Touschek prize, apply to be considered, providing a reference and indicating the work for which they wish to be considered for the prize. The new deadline is April the 1st, 2023, at 23:59 CEST.

Information concerning past recipients of the EPS-AG Accelerator Prizes may be found at the EPS-AG website.

Mike Seidel | PSI | Villigen | Switzerland
Chairman of the EPS-AG/IPAC’23 Accelerator Prizes Selection Committee

Questions and nominations to be addressed to IPAC’23 Scientific Secretariat 

Prize session presentation by the Chair

Award cerimony of the 2 best student posters; award ceremony of the Touschek prize, presentation by the Touschek prize winner

Award ceremony of the Fra.ok Sacherer Prize

2716 – Nb3Sn superconductors with artificial pinning centers lor high-field accelerator magnets (TH2Gl)

Award ceremony of the Gersh Budker Prize

2258 – THz SASE FEL at PITZ: lasing at a wavelength of lOO~m (THZG2)

Award ceremony of the Rolf WiderOe Prize

2715 Accelerato, researchers who have helped me (THZG3)


Xingchen Xu ;1


Mikhail Krasifnikov,.


KatsunobuO ide;

Winners of this edition

Rolf Wideröe Prize Katsunobu Oide

The EPS-AG Rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field has been given to Katsunobu Oide, KEK and visiting scientist at CERN / University of Geneva, for his many conceptual contributions to linear and circular particle colliders. Examples include the Oide limit of final focus systems and the design of the final focus test beam at SLAC, crab crossing in circular colliders, the beam optics design code SAD, design work for KEKB and KEK-ATF, advanced lattice design for the FCC study, and his leading role in design, commissioning and performance optimization of KEK accelerators.
Gersh Budker Prize Mikhail Krasilnikov

The Gersh Budker Prize for a recent, significant, original contribution to the accelerator field has been awarded to Mikhail Krasilnikov, DESY/Zeuthen, for his achievements in the development of high brightness electron beams and a high power, tunable THz SASE free electron laser based on those beams, demonstrating lasing at the PITZ facility in 2022.
Frank Sacherer Prize Xingchen Xu

The Frank Sacherer Prize for an individual in the early part of his or her career goes to Xingchen Xu, Fermilab, for his contributions in demonstrating the effectiveness of the internal oxidation method in Nb3Sn wires to strongly improve the performance of this superconductor by using artificial pinning centers, opening the way to the next generation of high field accelerator magnets.