Contributed Oral Presentations

Emanuela Barzi

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


Judita Beinortaite

Judita Beinortaite is a third-year PhD student from University College London, UK, working in FLASHForward at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, one of the leading research facilities in beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration (PWFA). Her work focuses on high-repetition-rate operation in PWFA, more specifically on the fundamental high-repetition-rate limiting processes in plasma on nanoseconds-microseconds timescale. Judita’s most recent contribution to this topic has been the experimental work on plasma-wakefield accelerator recovery time at FLASHFoward, with results published in the paper D’Arcy, R., Chappell, J., Beinortaite, J. et al. Recovery time of a plasma-wakefield accelerator, Nature 603, 58–62 (2022).

Luca Bellan

Dr. Luca Bellan is an Accelerator Physicist employed at the Legnaro National Laboratories  in the Beam Physics and Diagnostics Group, within  the Accelerator Division. His field of interest includes high intensity light/heavy ion linear accelerators. He is currently working on the upgrade of the superconductive LNL heavy ion linac ALPI. He is also involved in the international IFMIF, DONES, ESS projects and in the design of accelerator driven neutron sources for medical applications.

Philip Burrows

John Adams Institute


Fabio Cardelli

I graduated in Electronical Engineering in 2013. Then in 2016 I take a PhD in Accelerator Physics at the “Sapienza” University of Rome, in collaboration with the INFN Laboratory of Frascati. I continued to work at the INFN Frascati national laboratories as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2020 I became staff at INFN within the Linac group of the accelerator division . I have always worked in the field of radiofrequency systems, in particular my research field concerns high gradient RF accelerating structures, RF high power sources and RF linear accelerators. Currently I’m the scientific coordinator of the TEX test facility at INFN, a lab focused on the X-band technology studies for the future project of the laboratory Eupraxia@SPARC_LAB.

Martina Carillo

Martina Carillo is a Ph.D. student in the Accelerator Physics Program at the Sapienza University of Rome. Her research focuses on the beam dynamics of high-brightness beams in RF photoinjectors. She earned her master’s degree in physics in 2021 with a thesis entitled “Analysis and simulation of cryogenic hybrid C-Band Photo-injector,” on the framework of the collaborative project between Sapienza University of Rome and UCLA, the University of California Los Angeles. Throughout her Ph.D. program, Martina has conducted analytical and experimental research on beam dynamics,  also at SPARC_LAB at the Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) and at UCLA, where she is spending six months as a visiting researcher.

Mario Di Castro

Dr. Mario Di Castro receives the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Naples “”Federico II””, Italy, and the PhD degree on robotics and industrial controls from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.
From 2005 until 2006 he is an intern and a technical student at CERN in charge of advanced magnetic measurements and studies for LHC superconducting magnets.
From 2007 until 2011, he works at EMBL c/o DESY in charge of advanced mechatronics solutions for synchrotron beamlines controls.
Since 2011, he works at CERN where, since 2018, he leads the Mechatronics, Robotics and Operation section. The section is responsible for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of advanced control systems based on different control platforms for movable devices characterized by few um positioning accuracy (e.g. scrapers, collimators, goniometers and target) in harsh environment. Important section activities are the design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of robotic systems used for remote maintenance and quality assurance in the whole CERN accelerator complex. His research interests are mainly focused on modular robots, tele-robotics, human robot interfaces, machine learning, enhanced reality, automatic controls, mechatronics, precise motion control in harsh environment and advanced robotics also for search and rescue scenarios.

Ulrich Dorda

Ulrich had his first contact with particle accelerators during his PhD thesis which he performed at CERN on the “”Compensation of the long range beam beam interaction at the LHC””.
From 2009 onward, he worked for almost 6 years for MedAustron, the Austrian synchrotron based cancer therapy center which was developed at and in collaboration with CERN. Starting off as beam physics responsible person, he gradually advanced to head of the accelerator group.
For the following 5 years he was responsible to set-up the accelerator R&D facility “”SINBAD”” at DESY. While his main focus was on the 100 MeV electron linac called “”ARES””, he was also involved in advanced accelerator concept like THz & plasma acceleration.
Since the end of 2019, he is the deputy institute director of the MINERVA project at SCK CEN and the head of the accelerator group.


Samira Fatehi

I am a postdoctoral fellow in the ”New Accelerator Concepts” group at the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. I am working on the development of compact transport lines for future compact light sources, employing miniature magnets based on high-temperature superconductor (HTS) technology. I did my Ph.D. thesis in the same working group from 2020 to 2023, titled “Compact High-Temperature Superconducting Magnets for Laser-Plasma Accelerator beam capture and transport”. Before starting to work in Karlsruhe, I was working as a magnet design researcher at ”Iranian light source facility (ILSF)” for 8 years. My research interests lie in the area of designing normal and superconducting magnets and beam dynamics calculations for electron rings and transport lines.


Kenji Fukami

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) April 1996-present
Magnet Team Leader of 8 members, Accelerator Division (July 2017-present)
– Conducting development and design for the magnet system and alignment procedure for SPring-8 upgrade plan.
Accelerator Division (April 1996 – July 2017)
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) April 1994-April 1996
Doctor of Engineering, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, Hiroshima (1993)
Master of Engineering, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, Hiroshima (1990)


Gianluca Geloni

Gianluca Geloni is a physicist at the European XFEL. His interests are at the interface between electron particle accelerators and radiation generation by ultrarelativistic electrons. He studied at Universita` di Genova (Italy) and he received his Doctoraat in Physics in 2003 from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (The Netherlands).  He spent the following years working at DESY, HASYLAB (Germany), and in 2010 he joined the European XFEL, where he is now leader of the FEL Physics group.


Timofey Gorlov

Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Haixin Huang

Brookhaven National Laboratory


Takahiro Inagaki

I received Ph. D of science from Kyoto University in 2001.
Then, I joined RIKEN SPring-8 Center and participated in X-ray free electron laser construction project. I have engaged in the development of RF system for 8 GeV linac of SACLA.
Since 2016, I have also served as the RF Team Leader at Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) and has been involved in maintaining and upgrading the RF system in the SPring-8 storage ring.
In 2018, I was appointed team leader of accelerator development team at RIKEN where I have been involved in the advancement of SACLA and SPring-8, as well as the construction of the new 3 GeV synchrotron radiation facility “NanoTerasu”.
2001Ph. D of science at Kyoto university
Research scientist of RIKEN SPring-8 Center
2016 -Team leader of RF Team, accelerator division, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
2018 -Team leader of Accelerator Development Team, Innovative Synchrotron Radiation Facility Division, RIKEN SPring-8 Center


Sonja Jaster-Merz

Sonja Jaster-Merz is a doctoral researcher at DESY working on accelerator research and development. She obtained her Bachelor and Master degree from the University of Hamburg where she gained first experience with operating accelerators and characterizing particle beams. During an internship at the University of Malta she gained experience in analyzing beam loss data from the LHC. The research of her PhD focusses on the development and experimental demonstration of new electron beam diagnostics methods and devices to reconstruct the phase space density of electron beams, as well as beam profiles of femto-Coulomb-charged beams in linear accelerators.


Morten Jensen

Following his PhD in physics in 1996, Dr Morten Jensen joined e2v, a vacuum tube amplifier manufacturer in the UK working on gridded devices, high power klystrons and simulation. 
In 2003, Dr. Jensen moved to the RF group at Diamond Light Source, where he later became RF Group Leader. In 2013 Dr. Jensen joined the RF Group at the European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden in 2013, with a focus on the high power RF generation. He is currently RF Group Leader, Work Package Manager for the RF Systems and Machine Section Coordinator for the superconducting linac.


Walid Kaabi

Walid Kaabi is a Research Engineer at the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratory (IJCLab) at Orsay-France, a mixed unit of National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) and University Paris-Saclay. He was the head of the Accelerator Department in his former lab the Linear Accelerator Laboratory (LAL) from 2016 to end 2019, and the deputy-director of the Accelerator Physics Department of IJCLab from January 2020 to November 2022. Since December 2022, he ensures the function of director of this Department.
Graduated in PhD from Ecole Centrale Paris, his expertise in physics and accelerator technology domain is recognized, notably since he managed the In-kind contribution of CNRS to the European XFEL (Eu-XFEL): The design, serial production and RF conditioning of 800 power couplers for the linac of the machine.
In 2015, he was awarded the Jean-Louis Laclare price of the French Physical Society-Accelerator division intended for the young researcher.
Currently, he is coordinating an international collaboration around the project PERLE, based on the promising accelerator technology of Energy Recovering Linac (ERL). 




Ramona Leewe



Samuel Levenson

Sam Levenson is a fourth-year PhD student at Cornell University. His research is primarily focused on increasing the operational lifetimes of various photocathodes and developing new sources of spin-polarized beams for particle accelerators. Originally from West Virginia, he is a graduate of Auburn University in Alabama. His PhD work is supported by the Center for Bright Beams and the US Department of Energy. 




Eitan Levine

Eitan Levine, 37 years old, father of 4.
Graduated bachelor’s in math/physics and master’s in physics, in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
After a break working for Intel, returned to academia.
Started Ph.D. in 2018 in Victor Malka’s group at the Weizmann Institute of Science.Researching laser-plasma electron acceleration and looking for ways to control and improve the electron beam’s quality.


Zachary Liptak

Hiroshima University


Lin Liu

Liu Lin is the head of the Accelerator Division at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). She completed undergraduate studies in Physics at the Federal University of Paraná. Her Ph.D. at the University of São Paulo investigated accelerator physics issues applied to the first synchrotron light source built in Brazil, UVX. She is working at LNLS since 1986 as an accelerator physicist and participated in the teams that designed, constructed, commissioned, and operated the two Brazilian synchrotron light sources, UVX and SIRIUS. Her current interests focus on optimizing the performance of the 4th generation light source SIRIUS.


Ryoichi Miyamoto

Ryoichi Miyamoto earned PhD in accelerator physics from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008, on the subject of beam optics characterization of the Fermilab Tevatron using the AC dipole. He earned the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research Award of APS in 2009 for this work. He continued the work of the AC dipole based optics characterization for the LHC during its commissioning in 2009 to 2011, as the Toohig Postdoctral Fellow of the US LHC Accelerator Research Program. From Fall of 2011, he joined ESS and contributed to its linac design and beam dynamics studies. In 2016, he started the current role of the coordinator of beam commissioning and leading activities of commissioning. 


Raziyeh Dadashi Motlagh

Paul Scherrer Institut


Yukiyoshi Ohnishi

Yukiyoshi Ohnishi is a professor of High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan. His work focuses specially on the beam dynamics and optics design for accelerators. He worked at the KEKB accelerator for ten years before the starting of SuperKEKB project. He has been responsible for the commissioning leader of SuperKEKB since 2018.


Thomas Pacey

Thomas is a senior accelerator physicist in the Diagnostic and Instrumentation Group in ASTeC department at Daresbury Laboratory. 
He received his PhD from the university of Manchester in 2019, with his thesis based on applications of dielectric wakefield structures for electron linac facilities. 
Since then he has been working providing diagnostic and operational support for a variety of novel acceleration experiments at the CLARA facility. These have been very successful and have lead to multiple peer reviewed publications.
Thomas is a keen cyclist who enjoys long distance bike rides and often spends his weekends out and about on two wheels, when he’s not having to prepare conference proceedings!


Giulia Papotti

After studying telecommunication engineering in her hometown of Parma (Italy), Giulia joined CERN for the work on her Master Thesis, then her PhD in communication technology, and a fellowship to design a system for automated longitudinal beam quality measurements.
In 2009, she joined the Operation team as LHC Engineer in Charge, working shifts to guarantee safe and efficient operation of the accelerator, and working on MD coordination and luminosity analysis when not on shift.
Since 2017, she works on SPS RF beam observation and operation. Here the main challenge was the recovery first, and the improvement next, of RF operation after the major renovation that took place on the power and low level systems in 2019-2020.


Chong Shik Park

Dr. Park is an accelerator physicist with a strong educational and professional background in Accelerator Physics. He earned his Ph.D. and MS degrees in accelerator physics from Indiana University at Bloomington and a BS degree in physics from Korea University. Prior to joining the Department of Accelerator Science at Korea University, he worked at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States.
Dr. Park’s expertise encompasses various theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects of accelerator physics, including accelerator design and beam dynamics in particle accelerators, and computational code development for accelerator modeling. 
During his Ph.D. and Post-doctoral training at Indiana University, Dr. Park developed electromagnetic space charge effect algorithms for RF photoinjectors and performed simulation studies of high-power microwave sources. At Fermilab, he was involved in the development of an accelerator simulation package called Synergia and research on the beam dynamics of resonance extraction for Fermilab’s Mu2e experiment.



Francis Perez

Accelerator’s Division Head (since 2012) of the ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona, Spain.
PhD in Physics. Materials Science: Magnetism and Superconductivity.
More than 20 years’ experience in accelerators.
Involved on the design, construction, commissioning and operation, of two synchrotron light sources projects: ANKA in Germany (1996 – 2004) and ALBA in Spain (2004 – 2012). In both projects as a Head of Radiofrequency and Diagnostics Sections.
He has also been involved in the organization of many international meetings, workshops and conferences, as member of the organizing committees (LOC Chair of IPAC 2011 in San Sebastian).
He has been also member of several advisory committees, nowadays member of: Elettra, Petra IV, Canadian Light Source, SESAME, and HZB Scientific/Technical Advisory Committees.


Lewis Reid

Cockcroft Institute


Jean-Luc Revol

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility


Ryan Roussel

Ryan Roussel is an associate staff scientist at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. He obtained his PhD from UCLA in 2019 working on high transformer ratio plasma wakefield acceleration. Before joining SLAC as an associate staff scientist he worked at the University of Chicago developing machine learning based optimization algorithms for both simulated and experimental particle accelerators. He currently works on developing machine learning based algorithms for accelerator control and differentiable beam dynamics simulations for physics-informed interpretation of experimental datasets. 


Ralitsa Sharankova

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


Francesco Schillaci

Background in nuclear and accelerator physics.
From 2012 to 2016 working as fellow at INFN-LNS mainly developing of ion beam transport elements for laser-driven beams.
From 2016 currently working at ELI-Beamlines as responsible for the technology of the laser-plasma ion accelerator and the ELIMAIA User end station.


Nuaman Shafqat

I am basically from Pakistan. I am RF engineer and designer. From last 7 years I am working at Elettra Sincrotrone, Trieste, Italy. My fields of expertise are normal conducting accelerating sections and high power waveguide components.  I am fascinated and proud about the installation of the first HG module at FERMI linac and successful testing of the first prototype of spherical pulse compressor. Design is my passion and Trieste is my love after Pakistan.


Kouichi Soutome

Kouichi Soutome, Ph.D.  Research Scientist
SPring-8 Upgrade Design Group, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Japan
I studied theoretical nuclear physics at Tohoku University in Japan and received Ph.D. degree in 1989.
After graduation, I spent three years working in nuclear physics at RIKEN before moving into accelerator science to work on the construction of SPring-8.
At SPring-8, I belonged to JASRI (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst.) and was mainly in charge of beam dynamics analysis and storage ring operation.
In 2022, I changed my affiliation from JASRI to RIKEN, and I am currently involved in an upgrade project of SPring-8 (SPring-8-II).
I am in charge of designing a very low-emittance light source ring and studying its smooth commissioning and stable operation.


Yaw-Ren Tan

Australian Synchrotron – ANSTO)


Hitoshi Tanaka

Since 1986, Hitoshi TANAKA has been making his efforts for constructing a new light source and upgrading light source performance and he much contributed to the construction of SPring-8, SACLA, and NanoTerasu and their performance upgrade. He has been deputy director of RIKEN SPring-8 Center and been responsible for all the activities related to the accelerator system since April 2017. His recent interest is to promote a greener accelerator upgrade.


Maksym Titov

Maksym Titov was born on May 6, 1973 in Kyiv, Ukraine. He received his PhD in 2001, having carried out his research at DESY, Hamburg, Germany and completed his Habilitation in 2013 from University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI), France. Today, he is a Director of Research at CEA Saclay, France. A nuclear and particle physics researcher for his 30-years carrier, Dr. Titov worked in both the development of advanced detector concepts and data analysis at collider experiments, inevitably within large international collaborations: HERA-B Experiment at DESY, Germany; D0 Experiment at FERMILAB, USA; ATLAS, CMS Experiments and RD51 Collaboration at CERN, Switzerland; and International Linear Collider Project (ILC) in Japan. Dr. Titov was one of the founding members and served from 2007 to 2015 (also in 2023) as the Spokesperson of the CERN-RD51 collaboration “Development of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector Technologies”. Nowadays, in addition to physics analysis and instrumentation activities in the domains of gaseous and silicon detectors, he serves as the Work Package Leader “Sustainable Technologies for Scientific Facilities” of the EU-Horizon-2021 EAJADE proposal, and involved into science-policy preparation of ILC project in Japan.


Anthony Tran

I was born and raised in Southern California. I graduated from the University of California, San Diego in 2020 during the covid pandemic with a degree in physics specializing in materials science and with a math minor. Right after that, I started a Ph.D. program in Michigain State University in Accelerator Physics, and I am currently finishing up my third year here. In my free time, I like to draw and volunteer with the local community. I am grateful for the opportunity to present my work at IPAC 2023.


Görkem Türemen

I was born in Ankara, Türkiye in 1987. I got my undergraduate and master’s degrees from Celal Bayar University then completed my doctoral studies from Ankara University. My doctoral thesis was on radio-requency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator system design, development of subsystems and components and testing. I have been working in Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency – Nuclear Energy Research Institute (TENMAK-NUKEN) since 2012 in the Accelerator Technologies Department. My current studies include the operation of a 30 MeV cyclotron and accelerator based research (RFQ for heavy ions, ion beam analysis techniques, novel materials development for nuclear power industry etc). I also work on industrial applications of electron accelerators such as electron beam welding and sterilization techniques.    


Janardan Upadhyay

Dr. Upadhyay is currently responsible for beam delivery and beam operation of the LANSCE particle accelerator. He is an operation beam physicist for the LANSCE accelerator. LANSCE can deliver both charged particle (H+ and H-) beam with multiple intensity and time structure on it and with energy up to 800 MeV. His postdoc work includes computational simulation of photonic bandgap structure, high shunt impedance radiofrequency structure for more efficient operation, and wakefield acceleration in radiofrequency structures. His Ph.D. thesis was on the Plasma processing of a superconducting radiofrequency cavity (SRF cavity) made of Niobium. In his Ph.D. thesis, he developed and demonstrated the first plasma etching of a 3-dimensional structure and a plasma cleaning method for SRF cavities using resonance frequency.


Maciej Urbanski

Maciej Urbanski is with the Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology. Currently, he works as a research & teaching assistant in the microwave and mixed electronic systems. Since 2014 his professional interest has been the development of phase reference distribution systems for linear particle accelerators, mostly in cooperation with DESY, Germany, and ESS, Sweden. He contributed to several linear accelerators’ PRDS and LLRF projects for ESS, European XFEL, FLASH2020+, and SINBAD in DESY.


Matteo Volpi

During my academic studies I played several important roles in hardware and software projects with the ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). I also played a leading role in the assembling and testing of the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) of Belle II. I was responsible of the underground background measurements at Stawell Mine of the Crocodile Gold Corporation for a dark matter research. Since 2016 I have been based at CERN to coordinate the conditioning of the high-gradient prototype structures for the CLIC experiment. Currently, I am an academic researcher at the University of Melbourne, and I am responsible for the first Southern Hemisphere X-band Laboratory for Accelerators and Beams (X-LAB).


Xijie Wang

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Yian Wang

I am a Ph.D candidate at Tsinghua University, major in accelerator physics and technology.  My research is to achieve high-resolution imaging using compact, high-energy electron sources, combined with computational reconstruction algorithms. I am also working on beam generation, compression and diagnosis.


Zhijun Wang

Zhijun Wang,graduated from Lanzhou university at 2013 with a doctor degree. Then  He joined in IMP and take charges of the beam dynamic optimization and beam commissioning  of the 10mA ,25 MeV SC proton linac, named CAFe, which is the demo facility of Chinese initiative Accelerator  Driven System.   In 2021,  CAFe has been operated with a 10 mA CW proton beam successfully, which is to be presented in the talk. Now, He is responsible for the construction and commissioning of CiADS linac, designed with a 500MeV, 5mA proton beam, which is planed to see the first beam in 2026. 


Danyal Winters

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

Yue Yuan

In 2013, he graduated from Lanzhou University with a master’s degree in particle physics and nuclear physics. In the same year, he joined the Accelerator Technology Division of the Dongguan Campus of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Participated in the accelerator physics and commissioning of the China Spallation Neutron Source. Mainly for beam dynamics simulation work of high current linear accelerator. In 2021, he has been an associate researcher.
Since 2020, he has served as the leader of the accelerator operation group, responsible for the operation of the accelerator, and participated in the physics research of the CSNS-II.


Zihan Zhu

Mr. Zhu Zihan is a Ph.D. candidate from Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and a member of the commissioning team for the Shanghai X-ray Free Electron Laser User Facility. His research expertise is FEL beam dynamics optimization and control with machine learning.